As the producers of A1 and A1Creatives, you can contact us directly for The Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. Or if your country is not listed in this overview.

Een webshop waar Patricia een groot aanbod heeft van hobby artikelen van o.a. Stamperia en natuurlijk A1Creatives.Voor The Netherlands en Germany.

Swaak 1892
Oudegracht 195-197
3511 NG  Utrecht
The Netherlands

Noordwal 17
The Netherlands

Gerstaecker A’dam
Bilderdijkstraat 99
1053 KM Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Gerstaecker Harolds
Hoogstraat 72
3011 PT Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Peter van Ginkel Maastricht
Grote Gracht 50
6211 SX  Maastricht
The Netherlands

Nachtegaalstraat 7 | 3581 AA Utrecht
The Netherlands

MM Dream Store – De mixed media shop voor jou!
The Netherlands / Germany

Wij zijn een jonge, enthousiaste webwinkel met op dit moment een assortiment dat zich snel uitbreidt. Ons aanbod wordt met veel passie, enthousiasme en gedrevenheid samengesteld. We kijken kritisch naar kleur, materiaal en prijs/kwaliteitverhouding.
The Netherlands

For all your A1Creatives and  Mixed Media materials in Hungary visit

Our company is an importer and distributor of a range of premium products for the Bulgarian marketplace.

You will know Zuri from their superb Zuri Moulds. Located in the USA they are able to supply you with the favourite A1Creatives casting version.

A small family run, online craft business based in Essex in the United Kingdom. They sell a wide range of mixed media and papercraft supplies.

200 NE Greenwood Ave
97701  Bend (OR) – USA

1246 Grand View Dr SE
GA 30126 Mableton – USA

Especially for our USA A1Creatives users: don’t forget to visit Nikki’s impressive YouTube collection on:

France – Vous trouverez un grand choix de tampons et ce dont vous avez besoin pour les utiliser comme encres, poudres à gaufrer, outils etc ….
Régulièrement, de nouveaux produits seront ajoutés à notre catalogue et un blog pour vous montrer tout ce que nous pouvons faire avec ces produits. Avec des créations faites par Tchou, La FEE et LaurenceB.

 Scrap by Nini
Boutique professionnelle:
Vente de matériel de:
– Scrapbooking,
– De loisirs créatifs,
 – De colorisation.

DGM Kreation
Rue du Moulin 10
08140 Pouru aux bois

325 route de buis les baronnies

Best Tools SRL Str.
Dr. Victor Babes, Nr. 36,
Et. I, Birou 12
Brasov, 500027,

For our Greece A1 customers the place to be if you want to learn all about working with A1 and A1Creatives.

Siltaojantie 15,
Postal: 35300, Orivesi

Expert on working with A1 and A1Creatives. Sometimes we think Madara knows more about working with A1 and A1Creatives as we do. Contact her for the Baltic countries and Russia.

You can get A1 products in Finland at Materialshop offers a variety of materials for DIY projects – casting resins, mould making materials, and much more. Tervetuloa!

Endulze & Crista SL
Emilio Arrietta, entraplanta izda 5
31002 Pamplona (Navarra)

Sede operativa: Via Battaglione Framarin, 41 – 36100 Vicenza
Sede legale: Via E. Fermi, 253 – 36100 Vicenza
Cf/Pi: 04016710248 – Rea: VI-372289

Felipe IV, 3 – 3a izquierda
28014 Madrid – Spain
Av. Europa, 35 Nave 8
08700 Igualada | Telf 93 749 50 23

Cristina Camps Scrap
pasaje pablo hernandez 9 bajos
08025 Barcelona – Spain
T: 620778802

Unit 22 Sandtoft Gateway,
Sandtoft Road,
Doncaster DN9 1FA
United Kingdom

Craft Outlet Ireland 
2 Maple Close
Co Kildare

We are looking for Art & Hobby supply shops who are interested in offering A1Creatives to their customers.
If your country does not have an A1Creatives reseller yet, please contact us at: [email protected]
