My little different easter egg

By Inge van den Broek: I used A1Creatives iron with the moulds from Finnabair. The outside egg is covered with the ricepaper of Decoupage Queen and the lavapaste of Andy Skinner coloured with liquid acrylics. The finishing touch is the gilding wax from COOSA Crafts.

Picture frame

By Inge van den Broek: This is the result of the Stamperia café from last week. I used A1Creatives for the moulds on the frame. The frame is paper maché and painted with allegro from Stamperia and the vintage look is made with the antique paste from Tzanidakis Antonis. The ricepaper and the papers are […]

Mirror holder Dadarkar

By Crea Red Using A1Creatives in a beautiful big mirror and in the amazing flowers mould by Get Inspired By Dadarkar Arts. Aren’t these results just amazing

Rusty wooden board with texture paste and moldings

By Béactrice Créations: Wooden board 45×19 structure paste, moldings, rusty effect on the board # a1creatives of #acrylicone paint #pentart cogs with Rust Effect Paste #finnabair + Matte Wax. Poraver (small beads) tinted alcohol ink #Ranger image #timholtz #finnabairmould. In fact I make my structure dough with the powder and the liquid A1 plus ATP […]

Flower girl made with Dadarkar Husn-e-nazakat and Reflection of the Sun moulds

By Penny Jayne I have been making lots of flowers recently with all sorts of card, paper, fabric and Hearty air dry clay. Some from Prima moulds some from Tonic Studios, Sharon Callis, Simply made crafts and Crafters Companion dies. All then shaped and coloured with a variety of things. Inks, Pens, Pencils and Lindys sprays. So when […]

Old & Rusty together

Made by Penny Jayne: To start this project I cast the Zuri Seahorse Realm mould with the magical A1 Iron, then kept it wet for a few days till they had rusted enough. I also made some shells using some Prima and Katy Sue Design moulds. These were mostly cast with A1 base LP01 but […]

Elephant Family

By Penny Harris: For this project I used some Hearty Soft Air-dry clay in the beautiful Zuri Designs Inc Peacock Splendor mould. I was careful where I put it as I knew I only needed the neck and some of the body. I shaped the end of the trunk and mouth slightly just to make […]

Be a Unicorn/Glow In Dark Lexus

By Penny Harris: I started this project while doing one of my previous ones as I don’t like wasting products! I had a lot of Pentart Fiber Paste left on my Aall & Create Rota Vitae stencil. So I grabbed this A5 MDF substrate to use it up. Also while doing my other piece I […]

A medium board with a little decoration

By Béatrice Créations: A medium board with a little decoration with #acrylicone. Products for moldings and structure paste with the addition of Terracotta pigment. #stamperiamould with IRON for the Rust effect. The other molds with the basic #A1Creatives LP01 Powder and the liquid (1 dose of liquid for 2 doses of powder) paint #cadence then […]

Vintage tag texture and stencil

By Béatrice Créations: I used #Finnabair, #A1Creatives with the addition of Terracotta pigment. Browning chips #pebeo. Matte Wax #artalchemy. Jewelry recovery. Vorige Volgende

Enchanted Castle (Zuri) and A1Creatives

By Béatrice Créations: Grand Tag Soft Molding #stamperiamould #ZuriDesign with #a1creatives #acrylicone Alcohol ink #Ranger Vintage Antiquing Paste #stamperia.

New Box – Medusa Gorgon

By Larissa Osadchenko: Now it’s time to apply another Zuri Mold and A1Creatives water-based resin. The wooden box-bag can be used both as a box and as an original bag. It can also decorate the shop window with herself .By design – there is a lot here – and a stencil with gold leaf, and a […]

Flat hand casting with Cavex CleverCast

By Inge van den Broek: I created this with A1Creatives and Cavex clever cast!! This is my hand. I made a mould with Cavex clever cast and after that filled with A1. So are most of the cougs, gears and stars.Try it yourself!

Hand casting with A1Creatives

By Inge van den Broek:I used my hand for one of my creations. I made a mould with #cavexclevercast en #A1Creatives to fill it. I also used that for the little hamsa hand. After that the colouring with the sprays from Lindy’s Gang and the wax from Finnabair

Diary Wolf

The base is an A5 diary; background – Finnabair stencils using light Maimeri paste, tiles (Prima mold) and Wolf (Zuri mold) are cast from Acrylic One (white, tinted as a whole with black acrylic paint). The tile, the Wolf and the entire diary background are tinted with 5 Prima waxes. The wolf is painted with […]

Hand casting with light bulb

By Milena van Roon: A step by step example using Cavex CleverCast Alginate making a mould of two hands which is casted with A1 (Acrylic One) to create an almost perfect copy. A light bulb was added to create a very personal and special lamp.

Skull with wings

By Inge van den Broek: Hello everybody! Today I filled my favorite mould with Acrylic Oneblack… Sooooo no black gesso… ready to use on a project❤ I used Acrylic One black, also for most of the gears you see.. even tiny gear. I finished it just using the waxes of Finnabair and COOSA Crafts. This […]

Hand casting using Cavex CleverCast and A1 (Acrylic One)

I used my own hand to make a project. Using the Cavex CleverCast and Acrylic One for A1Creatives. I used the Cavex CleverCast to make a mould from my hand. After that, I filled it with A1Creatives. I made a composition with some paper flowers and chipboard. I also used Lindy’s Gang sprays and Finnabair […]

From trash to treasure

By Inge van den Broek:Here is the result from the february challenge on the Decoupage Queens and Kings facebook group. The challenge in february is from trash to treasure #trashtotreasure. I used an old teabox. You can see that on the photo. I used the ricepaper of Decoupage Queen.  On top of that some mould castings […]
