A1Creatives Turtle en Owl in een kastje

Project is klaar! Hier heb ik de nieuwe mallen van A1 gebruikt! Uiteraard gevuld met A1. Je bent even bezig maar ik ben helemaal happy!!! Als je goed in de bol kijkt, zie je de uil al zitten! Moeilijk om op foto te krijgen.Mijn gedachte was van schildpad naar schildpad-uil naar uil te gaan. Nu heb ik […]
A1Creatives Turtle crocheted

I decided I wanted to try and mix the two main crafting techniques I have been doing a lot of recently. I used the new turtle mould from A1Creatives and cast parts in A1 Creatives ivory then painted them with Viva Decor GmbH paint. I then crocheted the main body for the turtle using a […]
A1Creatives TURTLE

My turtle in the sand, hope you like it (Crea Red).
A1Creatives OWL

I used a chipboardframe from Hobbyshop Sandra The metallic paste and pigments from Posh Chalk Interiors for the decoration of the frame. The owl is coloured with dry magic paint from Фабрика Декору and a small leftover ricepaper in the background from Decoupage Queen.
Round canvas

My round canvas is ready. I used rice paper from Decoupage Queen.Stamperia and Finnabair moulds, A1Creatives Iron (natural rust) and alcohol ink.
Showcase Sealife & Terracotta Magnets

Terracotta showcase Terracotta Magnets Sandstone showcase Sealife frame I made this project for a tv show to showcase the gorgeous A1 Creatives Terracotta in its just cast form. I got a cheap metal sign and painted it with a rustic paint then using decoupage glue I adhered some beautiful Stamperia decoupage paper. I then cast […]
Mirror, mirror on the wall…

For this new project I used different kind of moulds. The mirror is from Dadarkar Arts and filled with A1Creatives iron. The picture is a piece of the gorgeous ricepaper from Decoupage Queen. The flowers I created with the flowerfestival mould from Design with Zuri. The colouring is done with allegropaint and aquacolor from Stamperia.The […]
Steampunk with colour!

New project as Brand Ambassador of #a1creatives with #ivorystone & #black #resins! Steampunk with color it’s possible !!!
Atlantic Man

Oke let’s get carried away and use a Styrofoam head and cover it with A1Creatives Sandstone and shells. I had so much fun with this one. The gears are casted with A1Creatives Iron, love that rust. Hope you like my “Atlantic Man”.
Two times a lady

Hello to you! Another little creation with #A1Creatives #acrylicone and A1 Triaxial fiber. For this lady I used aluminum foil, wire and then dipped the fiber in #A1Creatives black resin I then played with Impasto Paint #Finnabair. And this is another little lady, I worked around a bottle of Perrier aluminum, paper, masking tape to […]

Gemaakt door Wendy Koot: Paar weken geleden kreeg ik van Scraphut een pakketje binnen met Mirror Effect. Alvast voor mijn verjaardag. Afzender is nog steeds onbekend. Gisteren eindelijk aan het prutsen geweest met een spiegel. Merk wel dat deze echt TE groot was. Maar vind hem voor een eerste eigenlijk heel erg gaaf gelukt. Bepaalde […]
Enchanted Mushrooms & Angel Blues

Created by Crea Red: A1Creatives casting on the new Zuri Designs Inc moulds ENCHANTED MUSHROOMS & ANGEL BLUES
Golden hands

Created by Inge van den Broek: The mould of the hands is made with #Cavexclevercast and filled with A1CreativesThe colouring is done with sprays from Lindy’s Gang and the wax is the gildingwax from COOSA Creatief.
Project on featherboard stencils

Created by Béatrice Créations: Hello a project on featherboard stencils, #Stamperia with # A1creatives and ATP fluid acrylic addition (nude)#Finnabair all the casts #Stamperia # A1creatives (black) as well as the flexible mold under the dancer # A1creatives (White stone). #lavapaste to texture the petticoat #CadenceArtisan powder #PRIMAMARKETING #stamperiapaper. Only wax on casts
Astrolabe black and gold

By Béatrice Créations:Hello planet when #A1Creatives send you the #zuridesignsinc Astrolabe to test their products, you immediately find the #decoupagequeen (Galactie) paper you like ???? A1 black and Gold #primamarketing wax and mold #stamperia mold and wood deco by Crea Red.
Astrolabe with A1Creatives Ivory

Made by Inge van den Broek: The new mould from Zuri Designs Inc is coming soon to Europe. This is the astrolabe I made with A1Creatives Ivory and coloured with alcoholinks from Tim Holtz and Ranger Ink. After that the famous antiquing paste from Tzanidakis Antonis and the wax from Finnabair.On the canvas I worked […]
Stencil portrait with A1Creatives and ATP powder

Made by Béatrice Créations: Hello, here is a stencil portrait medium board from Mirka Löwenhagen’s #mitliebegemacht boutique all #ZuriDesigninc and #Stamperia casts are made with #A1Creatives black even the hair texture A1 + ATP all covered with wax #primamarketing and Porporina silver #Stamperia, the hummingbird body with alcohol ink.

Previous Next Gemaakt door Wendy Koot: Van een vriendin van mij kreeg ik met kerst (in kerstadvent die wij jaarlijks doen) een kistje. Ik was al van alles aan het bedenken. Sleutelkastje, doos voor album, tot ik de Passion collectie kreeg van ”Scraphut” om een album te maken voor de lives. Ik vertelde haar al […]
Strong roots

By Penny Jayne: I have been enjoying stamping into A1 so have done another project. I mixed some A1 and added so ATP powder until I had reached the right consistency. Spread it on the canvas and pressed my stamps into it. I left them until it was nearly set then removed them and waited […]
Mini Canvas Paw Prints

By Penny Jayne: Here is a really quick and simple project. I mixed some A1 and added some ATP powder and mixed them together. Then spread it on the mini canvas quite thickly. I then pressed my stamps into it and let it almost set. I removed my stamps and left it to continue to […]
Ornate Elephant

By Penny Jayne: To start I dusted some parts of the elephant mould with the little pot of iron you get in the iron set. I then mixed up some A1 and added a bit of blue pigment and mixed it in. Poured into the mould and let it cure. I then sprayed the cast […]
Coléoptères Zuri infusés avec A1Creatives

Par Bri Clochette: Moulage #a1creatives , moule #Zuri , glamour pigments et pigments sennelier.2. Moulage et fond #a1creatives et les déchets de résine. Moule #Zuri, #stamperia glamour pigments turquoise, gold, rose ancient, sur cercle a broder
Small art on a CD

By Crea Red: I love making small art pieces too, using a CD will be the perfect background’. These are the new moulds by Zuri Designs Inc coming soon Flowers. Coloured with acrylic liquids from Anna Finnabair Dąbrowska and castings made with Zuri Designs Inc. and resin of A1Creatives.
Studio de peinture avec A1Creatives Iron

Par Béatrice Créations: Bonjour à vous tous voici mon studio de peinture…. j’ai voulu lui donner l’aspect ancien j’ai donc passer #A1Creatives Iron sur mon chevalet ainsi que des endroits à l’intérieur peinture #pentart recouvert cette fois de Distress Paste #Cadence tous les moulages #Stamperia #primamarketing sont réalisés avec #A1creatives certains avec rajout de pigments, […]